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Lindsey Cross

Photo of Lindsey CrossA rising Junior, Lindsey Cross has served in the Student Government Association since her first semester at Eastern. As a Freshman member of the Student Senate, Cross began her service as a member of the Academic Affairs committee. She quickly established herself as a reliable and committed Senator, and soon won appointment to the position of Clerk and Historian in her second semester.

As a Sophomore, Cross was appointed to the position of Committee on Committees Chair of the Student Senate. As the Executive Vice President’s second in command, this position provided Cross with the opportunity to become familiar with the administration of Senate and allowed her to become closely connected with the issues being confronted by all of Senate’s committees. This year, Cross has collaborated on and sponsored a variety of important legislation, including work on the Diversity Grant Fund and Program Assessment. Of particular interest to Cross is her work on the RSO visitation policy, which provides a more direct link between SGA and the student body. Cross has already worked diligently with the Office of Student Life to strengthen this program in order to continually enhance the quality of representation in the Student Senate.

Cross has had the invaluable opportunity of serving on several SGA and University Committees. Amongst others, she has lent her voice to the Dining Advisory and Libraries committees, and authored the report of the Special Committee On Student Judicial Sanctions. Participation on these committees has allowed her to hone her skills advocating for student needs and has sparked the creation of legislation to protect student interests. Most importantly, however, her work has provided Cross with the opportunity to form crucial relationships of trust and professional respect with administrators, faculty, and staff.

Cross has proven to be a committed and capable public servant through her experiences in SGA. The skills she has gained through her leadership roles over the past two years equip her with the tools necessary to lead the Student Senate’s continued growth and mission.

Previous and current committee membership, by academic year, includes:

  • Student Senate Committee on Committees (2006-present, Chair)
  • Dining Advisory (2006-present)
  • University Libraries (2006-present)
  • Special Committee on Student Judicial Sanctions (2006-present)
  • University Substance Abuse Committee (2006-present)
  • Student Senate Academic Affairs Committee (2005-2006)