The scene is Salem Memorial Baseball Stadium, for a baseball game to celebrate my birthday. The temperature was 85 degrees, and we had seats in the second row behind home plate. |
Joining me were my parents, brothers, and friends (from left) Ellen, Brian, Bob, and Julie. |
As a result of my mother's involvement, I was "randomly" selected to participate in the "Zeus' Juices Dizzy Bat" contest. The goal of the contest is to embarass yourself in front of 1,526 fans. On the right, my opponent, Megan, and I are seen taking off from the starting point. |
We ran towards baseball bats laying on the ground. (We were not actually hopping -- that's just the position we happened to be in when the photo was taken.) |
After grabbing the bats, we walked in circles for 10 seconds with our foreheads on the ends of the bats. |
After we stopped spinning, our simple task was to run back to the starting point. As I was spinning, I just hoped that I would be facing the right direction when I stopped. Fortunately, I was, and when I looked up I thought, "Well gee, this isn't too bad. I'll just start running now." That was a really bad idea, because I had absolutely no control over my movement. I ran 45 degrees to the right of straight, directly into a large Avalanche staffer who had been positioned there for just such an occurence. After he kept me from running into the fence, I hit the ground, much to the delight of the fans. |
After I got back up, I headed towards the finish line. I couldn't see my opponent, Megan, so I was sure I had lost. Turns out, Megan was sprawled on her back in the upper right of the photo above. On the right, I am seen running confidently to victory. My prize was a "Zeus' Juices" T-Shirt. |
P.S. The Avalanche won, too, 5-3.
Special thanks to my brother Jordan for taking these photos.
Rev. 4-15-05
© Copyright 1998-2005Craig T.